Séamus Wines Tasting Lounge

Kick back, relax at new Séamus Wines Tasting Lounge
Enjoying yourself is the only requirement at the new Séamus Wines Tasting Lounge in Kenwood, in the Sonoma Valley on the eastern edge of Sonoma County.
Buy wines by the glass or bottle, then take your time, hook up to the Internet, play a game, and basically savor the Sonoma Valley lifestyle. The tasting room offers a full range of tasting options to suit every palate. It always has two wines available on tap, with high-end, hand-crafted wines at a range of price points.
The Séamus Wines tasting experience can be anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes long. Most of their wines are either San Francisco Chronicle or Sonoma Harvest Festival winners.
Family owned, Séamus Wines produces 2,500 cases per year of ultra-premium, handcrafted California wines made with grapes from premium, hard-to-find vineyards.

8910 Sonoma Highway Kenwood, California 95452 United States

Open By Appointment
Tues – Thur: 12AM – 6PM
Fri & Sat: 12AM – 9PM
Sunday: 12AM – 9PM*
*Sunday hours may vary. Call ahead.

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